
Seiya Negami

Born on March 16, 1957/ Male / Doctor of Science

Working powerfully as an pioneer of topological graph theory in Japan, while writing many articles and books for enlightenment on mathematics. Also attempting creation of a new mathematics education with keywords "self-realization / self-representation" and "understanding structures".

Yokohama National University, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences
Section of Information and congnitive systems
Teaching for Multimedia Culture Cource

Tel/FAX 045-339-3373 (office)

Research field: Topological Graph Theory

Every year, we organize "the Workshop on Topological Graph Theory" at Yokohama National University in November. Make contact ot me if you are interested in our workshop.

Member of Japan Mathematical Society / Society of Mathematics Education / Japan Association of Integrated Science and Education
Editor of Yokohama Mathematical Journal / Graph and Combinatorics

Novel "The third reason" completes now. Here are all of it!

List of Books (all written in Japanese)

!! use Internet Explore Version 3.0 or more to open a scroll window.

* Book Review *

List of Papers

!! use Internet Explore Version 3.0 or more to open a scroll window.

gm standard ...

This is a general-use software to learn graph theory on your personal computer. It enables you to make and edit graphs freely. Now, gm standard for Windows95 version 1.01 is available. Also a Macintosh version is available, but is just a prototype. Furthermore, many projects are proceeding!


gm learning ...

Try "Learning Graph Theory on Internet", gm learning ! Everybody familiar or unfamiliar to graph theory can enjoy with various graphs, using your mouse.

!! might not work well unless you use Internet Explore Version 3.0 or more!

Virtual Solid ...

This is a general-use software to learn 3D geometry, made by Kota Tokuno, who gratuated our master cource at Yokohana National University in 1997. You can cut any convex polyhedron with any plane as you want and develop it freely. Now, Virtual Solid for Windows95 version 1.01 is available. We are working to spread education of geometry supported by such technology. Make contact to me if your are interested in it.

A new mathematics education ...

I am groping for mathematics education with keyword "understanding structures". To establish such education, I am planning reformation of school mathematics, focusing on discrete mathematics. What is it?

A good story

To Homepage of Negami Laboratory

* END * [1998/4/29]