離散数学の中のグラフ理論.そのまた,一部の「位相幾何学的グラフ理論」は,それを専門としている国内の研究者こそ少ないけど,自然に曲面上の幾何や代数に結びつく豊かな分野です.(特に,固定された曲面上に埋め込み可能なグラフ全体はminor closedとなることから, 最近流行のグラフマイナー理論と強く関係を持ちます.このことからも,この分野に興味を持つ人は世界的にますます増えているようです.)
- 日時:水曜日または金曜日 16:30,月1〜2回
- 場所:横浜国立大学 教育学部 第2研究棟6階611教室
- 連絡先:小関健太 ozeki-kenta-xr at ynu.ac.jp (at を適切に変えてください)
関連URL: メンバー一覧 | 位相幾何学的グラフ理論研究集会
- Speaker
- Casey Tompkins (Alfred Renyi Institute)
- Title
- On graphs without cycles of length 0 modulo 4
- Abstract
- Bollob\'as proved that for every $k$ and $\ell$ such that $k\mathbb{Z}+\ell$ contains an even number, an $n$-vertex graph containing no cycle of length $\ell \bmod k$ can contain at most a linear number of edges. The precise (or asymptotic) value of the maximum number of edges in such a graph is known for very few pairs $\ell$ and $k$. In this talk I will discuss the case of forbidding cycles of length $0 \bmod 4$, where we have obtained an exact and perhaps surprising answer. This is joint work with Gy\H{o}ri, Li, Salia, Varga and Zhu.
- Speaker
- Carol Zamfirescu (Ghent University)
- Title
- Counting small cycle double covers and Hamiltonian cycles
- Abstract
- The talk will present recent progress on two problems and discuss the connection between them: (i) Counting cycle double covers containing few cycles and (ii) investigating graphs with few or many Hamiltonian cycles. Special attention will be given to regular graphs and planar graphs. For instance, leveraging Hamiltonicity theory and cycle decompositions, we give an enumerative version of Seyffarth's theorem stating that every planar 4-connected graph on n vertices contains a cycle double cover of size at most n - 1; it remains unknown whether Seyffarth's result can be improved to n - 2.
- Speaker
- Yang Gang (横浜国立大学)
- Title
- Gallai-Rado Numbers and Their Multiplicities
- Speaker
- Jiaxi Nie (the Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)
- Title
- On asymptotic packing of convex geometric graphs
- Abstract
- A convex geometric graph G is said to be packable if there exist edge-disjoint copies of G in the complete convex geometric graph K_n covering all but o(n^2) edges. We prove that every convex geometric graph with cyclic chromatic number at most 4 is packable. Arguments based on the average length of edges imply this is best possible.
- 講演者
- 若山 響介 (横浜国立大学 M1)
- タイトル
- 平面グラフの rectangular drawing の同値性
- 講演者
- 渡邉尚輝 (横浜国立大学 M1)
- タイトル
- 辺数制約のあるグラフの生成定理
- グラフ理論オンラインセミナー
- 組合せ論セミナー(慶応義塾大学)
- 土曜セミナー(東京理科大学)