Invited Talks in International Conferences and Workshops
- L-orientations of graphs, 2021 Research WebCon in Mathematics and Statistics (co-hosted by MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Mathematical Society of the Philippines, the Southern Philippines Society of Theoretical and Applied Statistics), On-line, 2021/7/9.
- A list-orientation of a graph, NUST E-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences-III, (National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)), On-line, 2020/12/22.
- A list orientation of graphs, Graphs, Polynomials, Surfaces, and Knots (MS - ID 49) in 8th European Congress of Math, On-line, 2021/6/22.
- An orientation of graphs with out-degree constraint, The 2nd East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory, UTOP UBLESS Hotel, Jeju (Korea) 2019/11/1 (An invited talk).
- Spanning trees with few leaves in graphs on surfaces, International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung (Taiwan) 2019/6/18 (An invited talk).
- Hamiltonicity of graphs on surfaces and related topics, The 21st Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games, Ateneo de Manila University, Manila (Philippines) 2018/9/2 (A plenary talk).
- Kempe equivalence of 3-edge-colorings in cubic graphs on the projective plane, The 5th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications, National Taiwan Normal University, (Taiwan) 2018/3/29 (A plenary talk).
- Kempe equivalence of 3-edge-colorings in cubic graphs, Franco-Japanese Days on Combinatorics and Optimization 2017, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo (Japan) 2017/12/4 (An invited talk).
- DP-coloring of graphs, Special KIAS Combinatorics Workshop, The Bloomvista, Yangpyeong (Korea) 2017/10/20 (An invited talk).
- Extension of graphs on surfaces to 3-colorable triangulations, Ghent Graph Theory Workshop on Structure and Algorithms 2017, Ghent University (Belgium) 2017/8/16 (An invited talk).
- A set-(g,f)-factor of graphs and its application, 2017 Workshop on Colored Notions of Connectivity in Graphs, Nankai University (China) 2017/5/31 (An invited talk).
- Kempe equivalence of 3-edge-colorings in cubic graphs on the projective plane, 2016 International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, Zhejiang Normal University (China) 2016/10/30 (An invited talk).
- A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a properly colored 2-factor, the International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of Korean Mathematical Society, Seoul National University (Korea) 2016/10/22 (An invited talk).
- Hamiltonicity of graphs on surfaces, Workshop Cycles and Colourings 2015, Tatranska Strba (Slovakia) 2015/9/7 (An invited talk).
- The set function versionof the (g, f)-factor theorem, The First Sino-Japan Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and their Applications (SJ-SGCA’2014), Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beijing (China) 2014/10/31 (An invited talk).
- A generalization of the (g, f)-factor theorem using set functions, ICM2014 Satellite Conference on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory, The-K Gyeongju Hotel, Gyeongju (Korea) 2014/8/6 (An invited talk).
- Spanningtrees with vertices having large degrees, The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications, National Chiayi University, Chiayi (Taiwan) 2014/3/22 (An invited talk).
- Degree constraint spanning trees in graphs, International Workshop on Discrete Structures (IWODS 2014), National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad (Pakistan) 2014/3/4 (An invited talk).
- Spanning trees in $K_{s,t}$-minor-free graphs, 2012 International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics andApplication, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua (China) 2012/10/27 (An invited talk).
- Toughness and Hamiltonicity of graphs on surfaces, ICTP-IPM Workshop and Conference in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, ICTP, Trieste (Italy) 2012/9/12 (An invited talk).
- Hamiltonicity of graphs on surfaces, International Conference on ``Cycles in Graphs'', Vanderbilt University, Nashville (USA) 2012/6/2 (A plenary talk).
- グラフのハミルトン閉路と次数を制限した全域木, 2013年度 応用数学合同研究集会, 龍谷大学, 2013/12/20 (離散・解析合同セッション 招待講演).
- Spanning trees with bounded total excesses, 離散数学とその応用研究集会 2012, 茨城大学, 2012/8/11 (特別講演).
- タフネスと閉曲面上のグラフのハミルトン性, 日本数学会2012年年会 応用数学分科会, 東京理科大学, 2012/3/26 (特別講演).
- A spanning closed walk in 3-connected plane graphs, 2012年電子情報通信学会 年総合大会 COMP学生シンポジウム, 岡山大学, 2012/3/21 (依頼講演).