apple and caterpillar

 there lives a caterpillar, eating apples every day. after he ate one apple, he is walking along trees, looking for another apple.

 but, some morning, the caterpillar was surprised at seeing it around him when he came out from an apple. the storm in the last night might have blown off the apple. now, the apple inside which he was sleeping is floating in the center of a pond.

 how should he do? he usually bites an apple as breakfast. but, to eat or not to eat the apple. that is a question.

 the caterpillar can't swim, but he is still alive in water because of this apple. so, he should not eat it. on the other hand, if he doesn't eat it, he will die of hunger.

 well, well, well. what i can do is to eat an apple. so i try to eat this apple. since something happened to carry me in the pond, something will happen to help me some day.

 finally, the caterpillar decided to eat the apple. however, when he became so greedy to eat it with his appetite, the apple got into bad shape and lost balance. the rotating apple might swing off the caterpillar into the pond. so he should eat it carefully.

 after trial and error, the caterpillar found a good way to bite the apple. dig a hole inside the apple to make a small boat, which will be stable. this will guarantee his peaceful days for a while.

 and a few days passed. at last, no inside and only peel of the apple remained. one more bite will make a hole at the bottom of the boat and it will sink down.

 there was nothing to eat and thecaterpillar couldn't move at all.

 two weeks passed after that. then, a butterfly fly off from the pond. congratulation!


 this is a story that i made when i was a high school student. at that time, i was interesting in making such a story presenting how to solve an unsolvable problem, but this story suggests a very good thing. the point is:

 well, can a human being change? of course, our body does not change so well as a caterpillar. but, to change is a function of a human being in nature, you know?

 as you know, your brain consists of more than 10 billion cells, called "neurons". and, the complexity of a network made of neurons is proportional to your intelligence. it is important that:

it is this function that distinguishes a human being from other animals.

 any kitty can hide her feces with sand. you might think that she is very clever. but, the adjacency of neurons programed to do it is just hereditary from parents to a kitty. so, no education is needed for a kitty to hide her feces.

 on the other hand, there is no bady of a human being who can drain off his fence at toilet in nature. the system of toilet also depends on cultures created by our brains based on the ability of change. living in one of our cultures, we adapt the adjacency of our neurons to a custom of toilet.

 this is a funny example, but this idea suggests the reason why we need education. change yourself, and enjoy yourchange. establish education based on this principle, and don't make many children who give up everything with the lack of their talents. [1997/6/11]